Establishing the Drugs and Alcohol Relapse Prevention Programme at Amber Family.
03/10/2024My Journey from Support Worker to Key Worker
04/11/2024Disclaimer: While these parents have helped us write their story and have given permission for it to be shared with you, their names and any identifying information have been changed to protect their identities.
Josh | 21 | Ronnie | 12 weeks | 10 months | Amber Lodge/Amber House |
Hannah | 9 months | Amber Lodge/Amber House |
Josh and Hannah were referred to Amber Family and began their placement with Ronnie, who was 12 weeks old when they arrived. Ronnie was subject to an interim care order.
The Local Authority placed the family at Amber due to concerns relating to an injury Ronnie had sustained. This was being investigated further and discussed within the court arena. Whilst the Local Authority was uncertain how Ronnie obtained his injuries on the family’s arrival to placement or if either parent was to blame, they wished to maintain Ronnie’s safety whilst assessing the parent’s ability to care for him and meet his needs whilst awaiting the conclusion of court. The couple completed a joint parenting assessment; however, as the outcome of the court was not yet complete, the family remained in placement, continuing to be monitored by staff. Josh and Hannah completed their initial period of assessment at Amber Lodge; however, once this was complete, the family moved over to Amber House, where they were able to reside in the flat. This offered the family a level of independence whilst still being adequately monitored by staff. Josh says that although he was initially apprehensive about moving from Amber Lodge and the staff team, he settled into the flat quickly and built a good working relationship with the staff at Amber House.
Hannah left placement due to the court findings, and Josh stayed to complete a single assessment. This meant Josh and Ronnie moved down into the main body of Amber House. Josh described feeling “anxious” about coming to the placement and was concerned that the staff team might judge him. Josh said he was “scared” when Hannah left and was worried he would not be able to care for Ronnie alone. Josh reflects that although it wasn’t easy, he did it, and he did it all for Ronnie. Josh says that he felt very supported by the whole staff team at Amber Family and that “they did all they could to keep us together.”
While in his first couple of weeks at placement, Josh remembers it taking a while for him to settle into life at Amber Lodge. Josh spent much of the time in the family’s bedroom. Josh says, “Settle in as quickly as you can; it makes things so much easier.’ Josh soon settled into things and took all opportunities available to him to complete days out, sensory and play sessions, and all courses. Josh felt this helped to keep him occupied and made the time go by quickly. Josh had the opportunity to attend a dad’s day with Ronnie, and they went to the pine woods. Josh and Ronnie also went for days out in Liverpool and enjoyed spending time at the beach and the local parks.
Josh describes life at Amber Family as “supportive” and “fun.” He recognises that he would rather not remember the reason he came to Amber Family; however, he “never ever wants to forget all the staff.” Ronnie is Josh’s first child, and Josh feels he really benefitted from the parenting courses and additional play and sensory sessions offered to support Ronnie’s development. Josh felt his confidence “grew” week by week and has shaped the parent he is today.
Up until week six, families are fully supervised while in the community with their children. However, due to the ongoing court case, neither Josh nor Hannah was able to access the community unsupervised with Ronnie. Josh says he “didn’t mind” going out with staff and didn’t find it too intrusive. Following the court hearing and Josh commencing a single assessment, it was agreed Josh could access the community with Ronnie. Josh appreciated this time and would access the community daily.
The family had weekly meetings with their Key Worker. Josh said he initially felt “nervous” ahead of his meetings, but he quickly realised his Key Worker was supportive and would offer advice or additional teaching if needed. Josh felt he had a good working relationship with his Key Worker and that his views were shared during the meeting write-up.
Josh and Hannah received their joint assessment, and although this highlighted all the positive care observed, no future recommendations could be made as the court case was yet to be concluded. Following Hannah’s placement, Josh then completed a second shorter assessment, which looked at his ability to care for Ronnie by himself. Again, this assessment evidenced Josh’s capacity to care for Ronnie and made the final recommendation that Ronnie remain in his care. Josh says he “is proud of himself and how far he has come.” Josh recognises that he is a young first-time dad, and he has been through a lot but is pleased that he was able to demonstrate his ability to care for Ronnie, no matter how hard things got.
Josh and Ronnie left placement together after 10 months at Amber Family. The Local Authority agreed with Amber Family’s recommendations and asked that Josh and Ronnie live with the family for a period of time while they sourced housing.
Josh’s advice:
“Settle as quickly as you can. Trust the staff; they are there to support and help you. Get involved with everything on offer, and you can have good fun while also making good memories to look back on. Staff take lots of photos of your time, and it is really good to look back on that and remember all the positive things you did and achieved.”
Our summary:
We are very proud of Josh and Ronnie. Josh has come through a lot. Despite his young age and lack of parenting experience, he successfully completed his parenting assessment and is now living on his own property, caring for Ronnie, and working part-time! During our visit, Josh proudly informed us that, as of last month, there is no longer any social care involvement. Josh says he will continue to keep in touch with Amber and will send updates and photos regularly.